Other accessories
Комплект аксесоари за голф от бамбук, който включва 6 броя тийчета за топка, 1 divot инструмент, 2 дървени маркера за голф топки в калъфче от органичен памук. Размери: 9X12 смПродуктът е подходящ за: ..
Ex Tax:3.00лв.
Slap wraps provide 360 visibility in the dark and are ideal for carrying promotional messages. By using these certified slap wraps you make traffic safety a feature of your brand. A slap wrap is an elongated reflector with a specially developed spring welded inside. With a light slap it easily curls..
Ex Tax:3.10лв.
This slap wrap is covered with a textile film making it available in several fresh colours. Slap wraps provide 360 visibility in the dark and are ideal for carrying promotional messages. By using these certified slap wraps you make traffic safety a feature of your brand. A slap wrap is an elongated ..
Ex Tax:3.16лв.
PP stadium horn, including a cord with safety clasp. Cord length: 100 cm...
Ex Tax:3.23лв.
Кърпа за голф от RPET полиестер с желязна кука за закачане. Размер на кърпата: 40x60 см. Размери: 63X40 смПродуктът е подходящ за: ..
Ex Tax:3.39лв.
Emergency blanket that can provide protection against heat, cold, and humidity. It is perfect for camping trips, sporting events, and for emergency situations. When the silver side is against the body it will offer protection against the cold. The golden side against the body will keep you cool. Bla..
Ex Tax:3.59лв.
Silicone band with 2 LEDs and elastic velcro strap. Cell batteries (2x) are included. silicone band 185 x 13 x 37 mm.Size: 18,5 х 1,3 х 3,7 cmProduct is suitable for:..
Ex Tax:3.60лв.
Медал направен от желязо с полиестерна лента със син, бял и червен цвят. Диаметър 5 см. Размери: Ø5 X 0,2 смПродуктът е подходящ за: ..
Ex Tax:3.85лв.
Крачкомер с клипс от пластмаса. С функция за проследяване на изминато разстояние (мили и километри), както и броене на калории. С 1 клетъчна батерия, която е включена. Размери: 4X5X2.1 смПродуктът е подходящ за:..
Ex Tax:3.88лв.
The Lucas RPET sport towel is made from 100% recycled polyester, offering a soft and absorbent surface ideal for training or outdoor activities. With a weight of 140 g/m², it strikes a balance between durability and lightweight comfort. The towel features a practical plastic cord to secure both the ..
Ex Tax:3.98лв.
Slap wraps provide 360 visibility in the dark and are ideal for carrying promotional messages. By using these certified slap wraps you make traffic safety a feature of your brand. A slap wrap is an elongated reflector with a specially developed spring welded inside. With a light slap it easily curls..
Ex Tax:4.07лв.
Cotton sports towel (420 g/m²). Made in Europe. 300 x 500 mm | Strip: 300 x 56 mmSize: 30 х 50 cmProduct is suitable for: ..
Ex Tax:4.08лв.
Хавлия за спорт от RPET, която е с висока водопопиваемост в калъфче от RPET нетъкан текстил. Размери: 30X80 смПродуктът е подходящ за: ..
Ex Tax:4.14лв.
PET (100% rPET) fitness cooling towel. Supplied with a black non-woven pouch. Reusable towel, machine washable. Towel: 300 x 800 mm | Pouch: 120 x 205 mmSize: 12 х 20,5 cmProduct is suitable for:..
Ex Tax:4.15лв.
Quick absorbing, quick drying, and washable cooling towel with an size of 80 x 30 cm which is made from recycled PET for keeping cool during work-out or any outdoor activity.
The cooling towel is supplied in a pouch with an size of 15 x 11.5 cm which is also made from recycled PET with a closure fo..
Ex Tax:4.21лв.
Охлаждаща кърпа направена от 100% полиестер в PET бутилка. Вместимост 300 мл.Размери: Ø6,5X16,5 смПродуктът е подходящ за: ..
Ex Tax:4.43лв.
Quick absorbing, quick drying, and washable cooling towel made of strong and durable polyester for keeping cool during work-out or any outdoor activity. Comes in a PET container with a carry handle with a built-in carabiner for easy carrying. Available in 5 fresh colours. Large decoration logo area ..
Ex Tax:4.50лв.
The Pieter sport towel absorbs very well, is lightweight, dries quickly, and the fabric is durable and extremely soft. When the towel is folded and secured with the elastic band it's reduced to a small size, making it suitable for bringing to the gym, swimming pool, or for when going backpacking or ..
Ex Tax:4.53лв.
ABS safety light with COB LED lights in both white and red. With strong magnets, the front and back are connected by a silicone strap. Batteries included...
Ex Tax:4.64лв.
Калъф за мобилен телефон с прозрачна част с възможност за регулиране. За ръка. Със светлоотразителни елементи. Подходящ за мобилни телефони с размер до 6,5 инча. Размери: 45 х 18,5 х 0,4 см Продуктът е подходящ за:..
Ex Tax:4.79лв.
Microfibre sports towel (210 g/m²). Practical and light towel that facilitates transport, with high absorption and quick drying. Supplied with a 190T pouch. 400 x 800 mm | Pouch: 135 x 205 mmSize: 13,5 х 20,5 cmProduct is suitable for: ..
Ex Tax:4.80лв.
Китайски ръчен масажьор от дърво. Облекчава болките, стреса и напрежението от напрегнатия ден. Размери: 7,5X10X10 смПродуктът е подходящ за: ..
Ex Tax:4.86лв.